During a project I created a very complex custom newform.aspx / editform.aspx. Usually a custom RenderingTemplate uses the < SharePoint:ListFieldIterator ID="ListFieldIterator1" runat="server"/> control to automatically iterate all fields belonging to that list. But if you use field controls yourself, the ListFieldIterator is so smart not to render that field again. In my case I had to use the same field two times in different views in a multipage tab strip scenario. Within the first view I used this tag: < SharePoint:TextField ID="TextFieldViewA" runat="server" FieldName="TestField" /> In the second view this one: < SharePoint:TextField ID="TextFieldViewB" runat="server" FieldName="TestField" /> When rendering the custom page, SharePoint will only respond to changes on the second field. Somehow SharePoint uses the latest control in the control collection to update and persi...
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