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XrmToolBox: AutoNumberUpdater - new StateCode filter

Business Data Catalog (BCS) Bug? in SharePoint 2010 with Actions and German umlauts (non-URL encoded)

In my *.bdcm BDC-model file I have a section:

            <Action Position="1" IsOpenedInNewWindow="true" Url="http://demo:5555/Company/userdefined/edit.aspx?id={0}&amp;etc=10022#" ImageUrl="http://demo:5555/_imgs/ico_18_4002.gif" Name="Projekt in MSCRM bearbeiten">
                <ActionParameter Index="0" Name="ProjectID" />
            <Action Position="2" IsOpenedInNewWindow="true" Url="{0}" ImageUrl="http://demo:5555/_imgs/ico_18_4002.gif" Name="Projektportal öffnen">
                <ActionParameter Index="0" Name="PortalUrl" />

The name of my actions is "Projektportal öffnen". Once I deployed my BCD-model, created the external content type and created a new external list based on that ECT, I clicked on my action in the actions menu and found the following error:

No Action with the specified ActionName exits in the specified Entity

Checking the SharePoint 2010 log I found the following:

06/10/2010 11:46:19.76 w3wp.exe (0x1500) 0x0DBC SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://sharepoint:80/Kunden/_layouts/ActionRedirect.aspx?ItemID=__bkc30013000300e200030003003300e20003003300e20013002300330043005300&EntityNamespace=MSCRMBdcModel.BdcModel&EntityName=Project&LOBSystemInstanceName=MSCRMBdcModel&ActionName=Projektportal%20%C3%B6ffnen)). Execution Time=4458.19817881882 65cb748f-a3cb-4f34-bfd6-776d0570f788

Now lets have a closer look at the ActionName parameter in the querystring:
ActionName=Projektportal%20%C3%B6ffnen  --> URL encoded, which is correct

Comparing it with the browser's errorous URL...
http://sharepoint/Kunden/_layouts/ActionRedirect.aspx?ItemID=__bk420013000300230053007300d200030003001300&EntityNamespace=MSCRMBdcModel.BdcModel&EntityName=Account&LOBSystemInstanceName=MSCRMBdcModel&ActionName=Kundenportal öffnen

ActionName=Kundenportal öffnen  --> URL is not encoded, hence we get an error

Overwriting ActionName with ActionName=Kundenportal %C3%B6ffnen does the trick, even though the space was not encoded.

This was experienced with the english version of SharePoint 2010 Server (Build:14.0.4763.1000)

So far I will replace the German umlaut ö with oe, but its not nice.

Is there any solution to this problem yet?


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