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XrmToolBox: AutoNumberUpdater - new StateCode filter

CRM 4.0: Unable to re-provision CRM 4.0 MUI after UR10 to UR21 upgrade

Today I tried to re-provision the CRM 4.0 MUI after an UR21 Upgrade coming from UR10.

Sadly, every time trying to provision the language I retrieved an error. Turning on the error log this allowed me to find the real problem that I was facing here:

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'XPKLocalizedLabel'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel'.

The error occured while trying to execute the follwoing SQL Statement:
INSERT INTO LocalizedLabel ( LocalizedLabelId,
CustomizationLevel ) VALUES ( '0bd8a218-2341-1033-898a-0007e9e17ebd',
'Preferred Customer',
System )

checking on web search I found this page:

The page specifies the following allowed values for the CustomizationLevel column:

0Indicates that the visualization is a system (out-of-box) visualization.
1Indicates that the visualization is a custom visualization. Custom visualizations are the newly created or modified visualizations.
2Indicates that the visualization is a deleted (but unpublished) visualization.

Next check I did was to see what the above ObjectId will show me on a table select:
select * from LocalizedLabel
 WHERE [ObjectId]='0ad8a218-2341-db11-898a-0007e9e17ebd'

This resulted in 4 rows, 2 in each language I have installed on the system.
Major difference was the CustomizationLevel columns, besides some GUIDs.
So I thought I compare this column with the table values (0, 1 and 2).
There was one entry per language that had the value 2. So this is some deleted or unpublished stuff.

Next step was to do a complete database backup, as my next action could have impacted the CRM system in a way that I do not want.

My guess was that the rows with CustomizationLevel = 2 cause some issues here.

Therefore I went ahead and shot off the following query:
 DELETE FROM MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel WHERE customizationlevel = 2

The SSMS told me that 187 records where deleted. OK this might be good or bad.
Next step was to check my system.

Hey, there you go. I can now activate the second language again. No error any more.
Playing around a little with the system did not show any anomalies. Seems like this fixed it, but I will have to watch this in the near future.

At least the day was saved.


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