This week I had to install the UR21 on an old CRM 4.0 environment. I think it is very annoying to update every language pack for multiple CRM instances. And it gets even worse when you have to reprovision every language pack on like 10 different instances. Sure you could develop a tool that could do it for you, but it not worth as soon the customer will switch to CRM 2013. Finally, all languages were reprovisioned for each instance. But guess what happened now. All the user's language settings had been put back to the default language of the CRM instance. Now this will **** my customer off. Especially if you have some from a Western Europe country ;) Anyway, I had to find a quick and unsupported way to resolve this mess. Evoilá this is the script that made my day: UPDATE [ORGANIZATION_MSCRM].[dbo].[UserSettingsBase] SET [UILanguageId] = 1053 ,[HelpLanguageId] = 1053 ...
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